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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

i'm heeerrreeee!!!

i've finally arrived.
slept last night at the orphanage. met my sponsor child, santos. i've never gotten such a long hug from a child that didn't know me. he's told everyone i'm his madrina (godmother aka sponsor) and when he sees me i get random hugs/semi tackled (sp?).
i could barely sleep last night my mind was buzzing with so much. like being 7 years old on christmas eve after getting a glimpse of what's under the tree and being sent to bed.
today i went to the volunteer house, where i'll be living. just about had a heart attack with the way the volunteers there are living.... calmed down, went back to the hogar (orphanage) with the volunteer coordinator, brought back curtains and sheets, pulled a mary poppins-thirdworld style makeover to the house and now i feel a little better.
i still have a line of termites crawling up my wall... or i should say lines.... and cold water showers that sometimes don't work, and a stray dog sleeping at my doorstep...and my bed is a warped cot with two skinny mattresses... i'll survive though.

things to do: buy lysol and a sponge

that aside ... it's good to finally be here. i have lots to do. and my health seems to be back. and today i hitched a ride into town with 2 other volunteers in the back of a pickup.
this is my life for the next 5 months.
i'm here.


John said...

Congrats! It must be exciting to be there.
You can eat termites--they taste minty. But I'd rather nuke them with something toxic.

Nate y Chey said...

Wow. Your description is a little scary for me. I can't believe that me and Chey will be there in less than a month!!!!! Good luck down there, let me know if we should bring anything for you!! :D