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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

a better mood

sorry if i depressed anyone with my last blog. it´s been a frustrating experience here so far, but i woke up in a better mood today.
it´s difficult to find time to separate oneself from everything that is going on here, but last night i had my first tub of chocolate icecream since i left home. horray for icecream and emotional eating!

the kinder is still as misbehaved as ever - yesterday was good, today they were bad - but that´s the way it goes.
i had a great moment today with some of the older girls during a break from class - i was trying to translate "lean on me" into spanish, and they came up to me and helped me out. after we figured out the first verse and the chorus i got my guitar and sang it for them. i´m so glad i got that guitar. it gives me a way to communicate with the kids at the hogar when my spanish falls short.
and.... i´ve come up with an initial plan for some creative classes. i hope it works out.
i´m still waiting on taking more spanish lessons. it may have to wait until some more volunteers arrive to free up some of my time in the mornings.
we´ll see.

if anything this experience will hopefully teach me patience.
patience patience patience.
i´m on honduran time now.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alison,

Well you're certainly having a life altering experience there. I can see how frustrating it could be knowing how much those children need and how little they can expect. I have to say that learning to accept my mother's dementia has taught me a valuable lesson; that life is a collection of moments... when I have a great conversation with her and she doesn't remember it the next day, I take comfort in the fact that when we had the conversation, she was happy... your kinder are happy in the moments you give them and hopefully they'll be inspired by them or recall them fondly as the grow. I'm not saying that "moments" are a substitute for the tangible... but it is ultimately of equal value. If you can't feed the body, feed the soul.

Take care of yourself,

Anonymous said...

I love your picture. I'm remembering and praying for you. Keep healthy! You look great-- don't know if it's the parasite or the Mr. Wolf :P. Miss you lots!

Anonymous said...

OMG! This picture totally made me cry. Good it's of the kids and not of me bawling my eyes out... Your blog is awesome, by the way, I was psyched to get a bit of an update. Give my love to the kids and my congrats to Santos.. I seriously never thought that hernia would ever be repaired (will you take a pic of him post-op for me?). Enjoy your short time left. When you get home, I need ALL your photos of the kids!! (please) The lack of recent photos is driving me crazy!
Besos, Tara