so it's one month til flight... well, minus a day.
i'm feeling slightly more prepared to leave.
i've gone through the freak outs about safety, health, what i'm going to do with 20 + kids once i get there, if i'm going to have any money and why i'm leaving my career for a half a year (in that order).
i'm sure i'll find something else to worry about soon enough - but as is, things are looking good.
my parents have agreed to take the cat (he's been laying on my suitcase since i dragged it out of the closet) - which is great b/c that means i can see him at christmas when i return to canada :).

the more people i tell the more support i'm getting - which makes me really feel like i'm doing the right thing.
major things to do before i go include the fundraiser on the 25th of may at the savannah room, a potential yard sale (this looks like it may be a necessity), packing up stuff to take to b.c. (including the cat) and getting sponsorship info together.
i've received an email for the inhabitants of the volunteer house, where i'll be staying when i get there. it looks like there will be 4 of us there july and august, and 5 from aug/sept onward - with probably a bit of overlap and potential extras here and there. apparently it's advised that we bring something to store our clothes in - such as mesh baggies - as there isn't really anything but beds in the bedrooms (i have images of shaking creepy crawlies out of my clothes each morning... eek) a small folding side table and lamp was a suggestion for what to bring, but i'm not so into lugging a side table through mexico and guatemala for 6 weeks before i get there - not only would it add extra weight, but i'd definitely not be in the hostel cool-group if i set up a little individual side table beside my hammock and inquire after an outlet for my lamp after trekking through the mexican jungle... unless i was mary poppins... i'm sure there will be places to get some very basic furnishings once there.
one thing at a time.
to start, maybe a little spanish review this afternoon...
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