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Friday, May 23, 2008

my big fat wet yard sale

luckily a friend lent me a tarp for my yard sale on the long weekend! didn't have much luck otherwise, but not all was lost. i was able to sell some things before the rain and after. it was just the 6 hours in between of pouring rain and wind that made it the most exhausting, cold, wet, non-fun yard sale ever!! let's just say i'm glad that's over with!

i leave in 9 days.

time is creeping up on me....

the cat is now in kelowna with my parents. i said goodbye to him and my mom and sister during my brief visit to vancouver this week. i have to admit i cried a little when i had to put him in his little crate and hand him over to my parents.... i hate to admit it! but he was being so dramatic about the whole thing - meowing and flipping upside down... i think that moment, along with the yard sale, has been a big reality check as to what i'm doing... it is starting to sink in.
i'm excited, but it's also a pretty scary and gigantic life change that i'm embarking on.
everyone says to me "be careful!"
i know! i know!
don't worry... i'll be careful :)

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