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Friday, May 9, 2008


okay, so i've had a few people ask me how they can help me out (if they can't make the fundraiser) - hence the 'donation' button in the right column.

i feel as though i should explain where the money will be going for people who are wanting to assist me. in the theme of my first blog, i've set up a little q&a (with myself - haha)

1. Q. how much money do you need to raise?

A. i'm estimating i'll need a minimum of $300/month july -december. most of my money will be gone once i arrive in La Cieba (due to travel costs), with some small income coming in from furniture i've sold in post dated payments, and the rest is the good old low interest visa.

2. Q. what is your breakdown of costs?

A. -one weeks accommodation at the volunteer house will be $25/wk for the first to weeks, and $15/wk (usd) thereafter - so roughly $65/month. this is my most economical choice. if i were to stay in a hostel or cheap hotel, it would be minimum $7/night

- food will be another $25/week roughly

- transportation on the bus (which i will be using a couple times/wk to get to and from the jungle school is about 50cents a trip

- i will also have other basic living costs, personal hygiene, some amenities for the house (as it is sparsely furnished) and phone cards/internet use.

- three months after i arrive, i have to go to belize or nicaragua (cross two borders) in order to get my volunteer visa renewed. that trip will likely cost about $100 min.

- i'm hoping to take some spanish lessons once there to keep up, and also would love to buy supplies for the kids - especially if we can put together a show of some sort.

3. Q. how can i donate?

A. if you go to the 'donate' link, there are options for credit card or bank transfers that will go directly to my paypal account. i will use this account for necessities once in honduras only. the only downfall with this method is paypal takes about a 3% commission off of donations. you can email me for bank account info if you'd prefer... it's up to you. paypal is very convenient, and i suppose one must pay for that!!

4. Q. what if i want to donate directly to the kids or the organization?

A. you can go to the 'helping honduras kids' link and there are many sponsorship and donation options available on the website from sponsoring a child to sending supplies to volunteering!

5. Q. will my donation be tax deductible?

A. no. not if you are donating to just help me - unfortunately i'm not a non profit organization, i'm just an independent volunteer. if you are sending money directly to 'helping honduras kids' then your donation will be tax exempt - however, volunteers don't get any subsidies through their organization.

6. Q. what is the most helpful way for me to donate?

A. if you can only donate a small amount, it would be great to get a series of small monthly payments (like $10/month) - that is less than going out for lunch in many canadian restaurants, but it will pay for nearly a week of accommodation for me. if i could get 30 people to send $10/month - i won't have to worry about getting into excessive debt!

7. Q. how will you know if i donate?

A. paypal sends me notification of donations. you can also email me at

i think that covers most questions - if you have anymore, ask! either in the comment section or via email. also, i will update my blog with info on how much money i raise, and how much i will still need.

thanks so much to those of you who have made it necessary for me to answer these questions!!

3 weeks to take off!!! yikes!

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