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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

really quick update

i've more than doubled my work load in the past week, so i don't seem to have so much time for the internet. but i'll try to do a quick update:
last weeks puppet and dance classes went really well! i was very suprised. especially the dance class. the kids loved it. best part was a 'too cool for school' girl about 12 years old, watching with a bit of attitude, and within 5 minutes of the class, kicking off her shoes, sliding to the edge of her chair and jumping right into the class when i told her she could join in. she didn't even sign up.
so some success!
although i think i got too cocky b/c the kinder were rather terrible both friday and monday. sometimes you just have to zone out and go to your happy place when one child spits on the floor and the other drags his hands through it in an obvious attempt to be disgusting.

i've also started teaching at 'solares nuevos', a campesino community with a school house that was built by hhk. so i teach kinder at the hogar in the morning, then to solares nuevos, and i teach puppet and dance class on tues and thurs, and have started spanish classes for myself on monday and wednesday.
oh oh oh..... and.... i visited c.r.i.l.a. - a rehabilitation centre in la cieba and was completely enthralled by it. if i'm able to free up some time when other volunteers arrive, i'll try to do some rehabilitation volunteering possibly once a week... maybe put my pilates skills to use.

i'm starting to love it here. it's not getting any easier at all, and it's still very up and down - but i feel like i actually have some use. and i'm getting along well with my roommate - the two of us seem to be very like minded - so that helps... having someone to talk to about everything that goes on here without feeling like they don't want to hear it.

so that's my super fast update. and now i have to go eat then teach puppet class #2. last week we made the bodies, today we are paper mache-ing heads.
hope that works.

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