the kinder has been good and bad as usual.
the solares nuevos is a big challenge with only two people - but i love the kids there.
the spanish classes i'm taking are disappointing as the teacher has poor communication and teaching skills. i've told myself i have to stick it out though.
the last class we had she spent an hour having us read about poverty in honduras - pointing all the starving children without parents over and over again. 'mira' she'd say (look) 'mira a los ninos'.
it was so ridiculous.
she knows why we're here.
we don't need to look at the photos. we're face to face with them.
it hit a point where i thought i was going to cry but then it struck me as ridiculously and inappropriately funny.
i avoided eye contact with justin b/c i figured i'd crack up.
like laughing at a funeral.
laughter is really what keeps me sane here.
the first couple weeks i was crying.
now i'm crying only sometimes. but mostly laughing. probably at things that would offend most - but when you're faced with way too much reality every day, day after day - it's just how you cope.
there's a dog at the solares nuevos community that is the ugliest, most pained, starving ratty looking skinny dog that i have ever seen. all the animals around here are in pretty bad shape - but this one takes the cake. if death had a dog, this would be it. normally i would want to cry over starving animals. but the animals are only a fraction of the poverty here. if i start crying over the dogs i wont get anything done. so instead i've named the dog death, and we talk about episodes of the family guy, and bill and ted's bogus journey.
the two of us got a hitch from cieba the other day with the craziest woman. the car was falling apart. we had to drive 25km per hour b/c her clutch wasnt working. the windows were covered with patchy tinting. there was punta music playing the whole way. in the first 10 minutes of picking us up she stopped at a house, got out and came back to hand me a coat hanger with a parakeet on it through the window. "can you take this?" "um... sure. is he dangerous?" "oh yes, a little.. .hahahahahahaha". the birds name was ito. ito sat on the seat next to me and gave me the hairy eyeball as we drove away. the drive just got weirder after that - if you can imagine. we did get home alive... and killed ourselves laughing over every little detail for about a half an hour.
most bizarre hitch ever.
second puppet class was like the first - good, but like a tornado. the kids are enthusiastic but demanding. the second dance class didnt happen b/c the director of the program came and took the kids to a pool. this was disappointing as i really wanted to keep the classes consistant. but there is always next week.
disorganization and lack of communication still seems to be the number one frustrating thing here for the volunteers. everyone just has so much on their plate. i've been up a few nights with my mind racing - trying not to think too much, but at the same time hoping that i don't wake up one day and stop thinking.
it's been a long week.
i'm going out to la cieba tonight for some unwinding, then back at it on monday.
the solares nuevos is a big challenge with only two people - but i love the kids there.
the spanish classes i'm taking are disappointing as the teacher has poor communication and teaching skills. i've told myself i have to stick it out though.
the last class we had she spent an hour having us read about poverty in honduras - pointing all the starving children without parents over and over again. 'mira' she'd say (look) 'mira a los ninos'.
it was so ridiculous.
she knows why we're here.
we don't need to look at the photos. we're face to face with them.
it hit a point where i thought i was going to cry but then it struck me as ridiculously and inappropriately funny.
i avoided eye contact with justin b/c i figured i'd crack up.
like laughing at a funeral.
laughter is really what keeps me sane here.
the first couple weeks i was crying.
now i'm crying only sometimes. but mostly laughing. probably at things that would offend most - but when you're faced with way too much reality every day, day after day - it's just how you cope.
there's a dog at the solares nuevos community that is the ugliest, most pained, starving ratty looking skinny dog that i have ever seen. all the animals around here are in pretty bad shape - but this one takes the cake. if death had a dog, this would be it. normally i would want to cry over starving animals. but the animals are only a fraction of the poverty here. if i start crying over the dogs i wont get anything done. so instead i've named the dog death, and we talk about episodes of the family guy, and bill and ted's bogus journey.
the two of us got a hitch from cieba the other day with the craziest woman. the car was falling apart. we had to drive 25km per hour b/c her clutch wasnt working. the windows were covered with patchy tinting. there was punta music playing the whole way. in the first 10 minutes of picking us up she stopped at a house, got out and came back to hand me a coat hanger with a parakeet on it through the window. "can you take this?" "um... sure. is he dangerous?" "oh yes, a little.. .hahahahahahaha". the birds name was ito. ito sat on the seat next to me and gave me the hairy eyeball as we drove away. the drive just got weirder after that - if you can imagine. we did get home alive... and killed ourselves laughing over every little detail for about a half an hour.
most bizarre hitch ever.
second puppet class was like the first - good, but like a tornado. the kids are enthusiastic but demanding. the second dance class didnt happen b/c the director of the program came and took the kids to a pool. this was disappointing as i really wanted to keep the classes consistant. but there is always next week.
disorganization and lack of communication still seems to be the number one frustrating thing here for the volunteers. everyone just has so much on their plate. i've been up a few nights with my mind racing - trying not to think too much, but at the same time hoping that i don't wake up one day and stop thinking.
it's been a long week.
i'm going out to la cieba tonight for some unwinding, then back at it on monday.
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